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Fidya: A Compassionate Alternative for Missed Fasts

Fasting during Ramadan is an obligation for all able Muslims.

However, for those who are unable to fast due to illness, old age, or other valid reasons—and cannot make up the fast later—Fidya is a means of compensation.

By providing food to those in need, Fidya allows you to fulfill your religious duty while helping those facing hunger and hardship.

100% Donation Policy – Every Penny Goes Directly to Those in Need

How Fidya Works

  • If you cannot fast due to a valid reason and cannot make it up later, you must feed a person in need for each missed fast.
  • Fidya is calculated based on providing one meal per missed fast.

Fidya Amount

  • £4 per missed fast – Provides a meal to a person in need.
  • £120 for the full month – Ensures 30 meals are provided to those struggling with food insecurity.

Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:

"And as for those who can fast with difficulty, they have a choice: either to fast or to feed a needy person."

Fulfill Your Fidya Today

By giving Fidya, you ease the burden of the hungry and fulfill an important Islamic obligation.

Make your donation today and help provide life-saving meals to those in need.


One Missed Fast


Whole Month Missed Fasts


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